Case Study:1.7x higher conversion rate at 1.8x lower CPA



1.8x lower


About PartyUp

Through the complete restructuring and reconfiguration of the Google Ads Search campaign, we increased the conversion rate of the PartyUp account by 70% and, at the same time, the cost per conversion decreased by 1.8x. And this only in a month and a half after taking over the account.

The Requirement

The Google Ads PartyUp account was quite old and, at the time of its takeover, the client recorded profitable results both in terms of cost per conversion and conversion rate. The challenge: how to get more profit, investing the same monthly budget?


Decreasing the cost per conversion to increase the profit brought by the campaign expanding the campaign to increase sales volumes.

  • Based on the analysis of the entire history from the account, the Google Ads search campaign was “broken” into several components, restructuring the keywords and ad groups based on criteria related to thematic and performance.
  • Exclusion of over 220 negative words at the campaign level.
  • Total separation of the campaign with branded keywords for a better management of the daily allocated budget and a better performance measurement.
  • Expansion of targeted keyword lists (currently the campaign has over 14,300 active keywords).
  • Activation of some micro-settings in the account such as: enhanced CPC, advanced location options.
  • Manual optimization of ads after conversions to perform A/B testing between at least 3-4 variants of ads.
  • Geographical optimization.


The graph below shows the evolution of the campaign before the account was taken over (to the left of the red line) and after the account was taken over (to the right of the line). The orange line shows the decrease in cost per conversion, and the blue line shows the trend of increasing the conversion rate.

A month and a half after taking over the account, we recorded a conversion rate 1.7x higher than the previous period
The recorded monthly conversion cost is 1.8x lower

Agency certifications

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Google Premier Partner

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Convert Agency Certified

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ETarget Certified

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Google Ads Fundamentals Certified

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Google Ads Search Certified

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Google Ads Display Certified

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Google Ads Mobile Certified

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Google Ads Video Certified

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Google Shopping Ads Certified

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Google Web Designer Certified

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Google Analytics Certified

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Google Tag Manager Certified

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Google Waze Ads Certified

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Google Digital Sales Certified

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HubSpot Inbound Marketing